Some people end up injured after signing a waiver. Many use a lot of technical language and make it sound like the signer is giving their rights to sue away should anything at all happen. As such, if you are injured while participating in any type of activity or procedure, then you want to see a lawyer even if you have signed a waiver. Learn about some examples of common waivers and what you should know about them here: 

What a waiver does

A waiver can prevent some people from even attempting to sue because they feel they wouldn't have a case since they think that they "signed away their right to sue". It's important for you to understand that while signing a waiver can make a lawsuit more complex, it doesn't mean that you don't have a suit. This is why you want to see a lawyer. They will go over the facts surrounding your incident and let you know if you have a case or not. Another thing a waiver does is it requires the patron to accept personal responsibility for an injury that can occur due to normal activity participation. So, if you are climbing a rock wall and you twist your ankle slipping off one of the pegs, then your case may not be as strong. 

Even if you sign a waiver that states you are waiving your rights to sue, the waiver does not absolve a company or organization from their responsibility to provide you with a safe experience. Using the same example as above, if one of the pegs breaks and you are injured, then your case may be stronger because they are responsible for providing you with equipment that isn't faulty. 

Some of the other things that a business is responsible for even though you signed a waiver includes having a proper amount of staff on hand to offer patrons a safe environment, provide you with equipment that has been properly maintained and that is in good condition, and provide you with all of the necessary information needed in order for you to safely participate in an activity. 


There are a lot of different factors that need to be taken into consideration when it comes to determining whether someone would have a case. You need to speak to a personal injury lawyer if you have been injured, even if you had signed a waiver. They may find you have a case even when you thought you didn't. Contact a personal injury lawyer for more information. 
