Are you currently living in the United States and are at risk of being deported in the future? If so, you may be wondering what will happen if that day ever comes. Here are some defenses that a lawyer can use to get you to stay in the country.

Challenge The Legal Reason For Deportation

The first thing that a lawyer is going to do is look into the laws that are being used to back the deportation. If you are unfairly being deported, it is very easy to show how the law does not apply to you and your situation. Being able to show how you are not violating any laws will make a judge easily side with you, and allow you to stay in the country. 

Apply For Deportation Relief

There are various ways that you continue to stay in the country by applying for deportation relief. The most common way to do this is through asylum, which is when someone leaves their country as a political refugee. The United States has certain states or areas where they openly accept refugees, but the acceptance of a refugee is not guaranteed. 

Another way is withholding of removal, which is another status that can be granted to someone about to be deported. Your order to be deported to your home country will be stopped so that you can continue working and living in the United States. However, it's possible that deportation can still happen if another country is willing to take you. It's a status that has more uncertainties than being granted asylum.

Prove Extreme Hardship

The next line of defense to consider is to prove how your deportation would cause extreme hardship. This can be on you or your family members who are U.S. citizens. A lawyer can help prove your strong ties to living in the U.S., such as having financial investments here, a close relationship with those family memes, and even a long history of living and working within the country. 

Challenge Improper Conduct

There is also a technique where the lawyer will challenge the conduct of any immigration authorities that worked on your deportation case. For example, they may not have provided notice of being deported or informed you of your rights. There could have been a violation of due process, which includes not having a fair hearing and not being allowed to defend yourself. A defense can even include a judge who did not consider your family ties to the country, medical needs, and things of that nature that would justify your staying in the country. 

To learn more, contact a deportation defense attorney in your area.
